Information on Traffic Citations, Criminal Traffic Charges,
Parking Tickets, Driver's Licenses & Municipal Ordinance Violations

Traffic, Parking & Ordinance Violations


Service Areas

Traffic & Parking Tickets

Traffic Citation Information

Most infraction violations must be paid within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. Please read your citation for instructions to PAY YOUR TICKET, attend a court hearing or other options or requirements.

If a ticket is not paid within 30 calendar days from the date of issuance, a suspension will be entered against your driver license, which could affect your insurance rates and will subject you to additional penalties.

If you receive a letter from the State of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (Florida DHSMV) informing you that your license will be suspended, you must comply on or before the business day prior (before) the date stated on the letter. The suspension date listed on the letter goes into effect at midnight on that date. Therefore, if you come in on the that date, you will be late and your license will already be suspended.

Tickets must be satisfied in the county in which they were issued. For example, if you received a traffic ticket in Tampa, Florida, you must pay for it in Hillsborough County. You may not pay for it in Pinellas County.

The Clerk's 24-hour Automated Payment and Information Line, (727) 464-4846, will provide information about your traffic ticket including the amount of the civil penalty due, the options available to you to satisfy the charge, the due date, the status of the ticket and other general information. Using your VISA, Mastercard, American Express or Discover, you may also make a payment for any non-criminal, non-delinquent (within 30 days of issuance) ticket. Please have your copy of the ticket with you when you place the call. You will be charged a 3.5% convenience fee by the credit card processor for this service.

Deputy clerks cannot advise you on the number of points assessed against your driver history record or on how points will affect your insurance or how many times you have elected school. You must address these concerns with the Bureau of Driver Licenses and/or your insurance agent.

Fees for traffic fines may change during the year. The envelope provided by the deputy may not be accurate. Please refer to the fee schedule for the most current information.

Parking Tickets

If you decide to plead not guilty, a written account of the incident must be submitted. Please note that additional fines may be assessed if you choose to dispute the ticket and lose the defense.​ Parking Affidavit of Defense form Tickets issued by the following must be paid to the municipality or the representative of the municipality. Please follow the directions provided with the issued ticket.

  • Town of Belleair
    Mail Payment:Town of Belleair, Accounts Payable Department, 901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Belleair, FL 33756 
    (727) 588-3769
  • City of Clearwater 
    Mail Payment: City of Clearwater Parking System, Citation Processing Center, PO Box 4460, Clearwater, FL 33758-4460
    Pay in-person: (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) 28 N. Garden Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755 (Garden Ave. Parking Garage)
    (727) 562-4094
  • City of Madeira Beach 
    Mail payment: City of Madeira Beach Processing Center, PO Box 2050, Tarrytown, NY 10591
    (727) 391-9951
  • City of Pinellas Park (payments accepted within 15 days of the issue date) 
    Mail payment: City of Pinellas Park, 7700 59th St. N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781
    (727) 369-7835
  • City of St. Petersburg 
    Mail payment: City of St. Petersburg, PO Box 292, St. Petersburg, FL 33731
    Pay in-person: 301 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL 33701
    (727) 551-3125
  • City of St. Pete Beach 
    Mail payment: City of St. Petersburg Beach, PO Box 3214, Milwaukee, WI 53201
    (866) 353-7136
  • Indian Shores
    Mail payment: City of Indian Shores Town Clerk, 19305 Gulf Blvd., Indian Shores, FL 33785
    (727) 595-4020
  • City of Treasure Island 
    Mail payment: City of Treasure Island Processing Center, PO Box 2060, Tarrytown, NY 10591
    Pay by Phone: (844) 542-9907

Tickets issued by the following municipalities may be paid to the Pinellas County Clerk of Court:

  • Belleair Beach (after 15 days) 
  • Belleair Bluffs 
  • Belleair Shore
  • Campus Police 
  • Dunedin
  • Gulfport
  • Indian Rocks Beach
  • Kenneth City
  • Largo
  • North Redington Beach 
  • Oldsmar
  • Pinellas County Parks 
  • Pinellas County Sheriff
  • Pinellas Park (after 15 days)
  • Redington Beach 
  • Redington Shores
  • Seminole
  • St. Petersburg (Only fines assessed in court)
  • South Pasadena
  • Tarpon Springs

Parking tickets from these municipalities may be satisfied by one of the following options:

  • Pay online by clicking here.
  • Drop payment off at one of our convenient drop boxes.
  • Return the ticket by mail in the self addressed envelope that was provided.
  • Pay in person (bring the ticket with you) at one of the following Pinellas County Clerk of Court locations:

Pinellas County Justice Center
14250 49th Street North
Clearwater, FL 33762
Tel (727) 464-7000

North County Customer Information & Service Center
3165 McMullen Booth Rd. Fessler Center, Building B
Clearwater, FL 33761
Phone: (727) 464-7000

Boating Tickets

Most infraction violations must be paid within 30 calendar days from the date the ticket was issued. Please read your citation for instructions to pay, attend a court hearing or other options or requirements. Please refer to the fee schedule for the most current information.

Information on attending a mandatory Boating Safety Education Course

Municipal and County Ordinance Violations

Municipal Ordinance Violations are violations of the ordinances of a specific city in Pinellas County. County Ordinance Violations are similar, but are violations of the Pinellas County Code. Such violations may include:

  • Watering Violations
  • Signage Violations
  • Consuming Alcoholic Beverages in a Prohibited Area
  • Animal Control Violation
  • Refusal to Pay Taxi Fare
  • Soliciting Without A License or Permit
  • Sleeping in a Prohibited Location
  • Other violations of the city or county ordinances

Be sure to read the issued violation for fine amounts, payment instructions or hearing dates. For additional information, please see the municipal or county code for the issuing jurisdiction. You may pay ordinance violation fines online (select "All Other"). You may also pay in person with the clerk if the county or issuing city forwarded the violation to our office.

Red Light Camera Tickets

The Clerk’s Office does not accept payment for red light camera violations issued by a municipality or sheriff. The Clerk of Court accepts payment of civil penalties when a uniform traffic citation is issued and received in our office. Information provided below is for informative purposes only and relates to the red light camera violations only. If you receive a red light camera violation by mail from a municipality or sheriff, please carefully read the instructions for satisfying that violation.

Vendor Contracted Cities Website Mail in Payments Customer Service
American Traffic Solutions (ATS) Gulfport Kenneth City Oldsmar South Pasadena St. Petersburg ViolationInfo Violation Processing Center PO Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091 Customer Service American Traffic Solutions, Inc. 7681 East Gray Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(866) 225-8875
Redflex Traffic Systems Clearwater PhotoNotice Clearwater Traffic Safety Customer Service PO Box 76769 Cleveland, OH 44101 Clearwater Traffic Safety Customer Service PO Box 42034 Phoenix, AZ 85080
(877) 847-2338

Other possible helpful websites:

Civil Infractions (Tickets)

You may choose from among the four options listed below to satisfy a civil traffic infraction.

To Satisfy a Civil Infraction (Ticket):

Please allow 5 to 7 days for our office to receive and process your citation (traffic ticket) before making your payment. Methods of paying traffic fines include:

  • Pay with debit or credit card*:
    1. ONLINE*
    2. By phone by using the automated, 24-hour, payment line: 727-464-4846.
    3. You will be charged an additional 3.5% convenience fee from the Credit Card vendor for this service.
  • Inquire about eligibility to enter into a payment plan.
  • Pay with check or money order made payable to "Clerk of Court" in the envelope you received:
    1. By mail with proper postage
    2. By placing it in one of the "Drop Boxes" outside the Clerk's office locations.
  • Visit any Amscot location and make your CASH payment. (Amscot charges a $2.50 service fee.)
  • Pay your fines in person at one of the Clerk's office locations using cash, check, money order, debit or credit card*.

You may also pay Court Imposed Fines and Costs for Felony, Misdemeanor, Ordinance Violations, Boating Violations, Bond Estreature Cases, Traffic Tickets and Other Miscellaneous Non-Criminal Infractions ONLINE with a debit or credit card.* Payable civil infractions may be satisfied in one of several ways:

  1. by entering a plea of Not Guilty,
  2. by electing to attend a defensive driving course,
  3. by submitting an Affidavit of Compliance for cases involving safety equipment violations which have been corrected by you.
  4. OR, Traffic tickets written for certain driver license, registration or insurance violations may be dismissed by the Clerk if proof of compliance at the time the ticket was issued can be shown.

Payment Locations

Clerk's Customer Information Center (727) 464-7000

Pinellas County Justice Center
14250 49th Street North 
Clearwater, FL 33762

North County Customer Information & Service Center
3165 McMullen Booth Rd.
Fessler Center, Building B
Clearwater, FL 33761

Clearwater Courthouse
315 Court St., Room 170
Clearwater, FL 33756

St. Petersburg Branch
545 First Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Drop boxes are available at each of the above locations. Extensions: Extensions to pay are granted for a one-time, 30 day period if requested on or before the original 30 day due date. This can be accomplished by calling the Clerk's Customer Information Center at (727) 464-7000 during regular office hours or online by utilizing our customer support email notification process.

Plea Not Guilty to A Civil Traffic Infraction:

You must notify the Clerk's office in person or in writing, within the required time frame of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the ticket. You may use the Written Plea of Not Guilty and Request for Hearing form for this purpose.

Please Note: If full payment is received on a case pending a court hearing, the written plea of Not Guilty/Request for Hearing will be cancelled and the case status will be closed with no further action needed. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please call (727) 464-7000.


If you wish to plea Not Guilty to a traffic infraction ticket, and you cannot appear for a hearing because you live outside Pinellas County, you must complete an Affidavit of Defense and file it with Pinellas County Clerk’s office on or before the 30-day due date. Effective October 1, 2006, speed in excess of 30 mph over the posted speed limit requires a mandatory court appearance. The fine is doubled for a second or subsequent conviction within 12 months when speed exceeds the limit by 30 mph or more. A person may not elect to attend a defensive driving course in lieu of a court appearance.


If you are found guilty of a civil traffic infraction, the court may assess fine and costs, order you to attend a defensive driving course or impose other penalties. If you should fail to pay the fine and cost within the time allotted you by the court, if any, a suspension will be issued against your driver license and additional penalties will be imposed. Fines for civil infractions are governed by Florida Statutes. For the most current fines and fees, refer to our Fee Schedule. The Fee Schedule is also available in any of the Clerk's office locations. Fines are distributed to various funds established by the legislature with a portion being returned to the issuing law enforcement agency and a service charge retained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Elect Wireless/Texting School

Texting While Driving in School or Work Zone - First Offense (316.306 3a)

To elect to attend a Wireless/Texting course, you must pay the reduced penalty of $106.00 within 30 days of the date the ticket was issued. You will have 60 days from the date of election to complete the approved school and submit the completion certificate to the Clerk’s Office.

Mail or bring in a copy of your completion certificate to any Clerk’s office location or email your certificate to This course does not count as a Basic Driver Improvement School election. No points will be assessed against your driver’s license.

Refer to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles site for a list of approved Wireless Communications Device Course Providers.

NOTE: There are no driver’s license type exclusions for electing this type of school.


  1. An $18.00 processing fee will be due.
  2. A late fee will be charged.
  3. Your driver’s license will be suspended.
  4. You must repay the reduced amount of $60.00.
  5. A reinstatement fee may be required.
  6. A conviction of the violation will be reported on you driver history record & points will be assessed.

Make a payment online or learn about more payment options by visiting our Pay a Traffic Ticket section.

Texting While Driving in School or Work Zone - Second or Subsequent Offense (316.306 3a)

To elect school for second or subsequent offenses, refer to the Elect Basic Driver Improvement Course section.

Elect a Defensive Driving Course

To elect to attend a driver improvement course approved by the State of Florida* to satisfy an eligible traffic violation and pay the required civil penalty using a credit or debit card for a Traffic Ticket online, click here.

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Florida Statute 318.14 (9), anyone holding a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) is prohibited from electing driving school.

Costs: You must pay the civil penalty (in full) at the time you make the school election.* There is also a cost for the driving course, payable to the course provider.

Call the 24-hour Automated Payment and Information Line, (727) 464-4846 for the civil penalty amount or refer to the handout material furnished to you by the law enforcement officer at the time you were cited for the violation.

Once YOU HAVE COMPLETED a State of Florida approved* Defensive Driving Course and SUBMITTED proof of completion to the Clerk’s Office, the violation will be entered on your driver history as an "adjudication withheld".


Only one election to satisfy one traffic violation in twelve (12) months or eight (8) in a lifetime may be made. PLEASE NOTE: If you elect to attend a defensive driving course:

  • You must: enroll, attend and complete the course, and provide proof of completion to the Clerk's Office, within the sixty (60) calendar days from the date you elected to attend.
  • You will need to be prepared to pay for the course to the course provider at the time you enroll.
    1. an $18.00 processing fee WILL be due,
    2. a late fee WILL be charged,
    3. your driver's license WILL be suspended,
    4. a reinstatement fee WILL be required and
    5. a conviction of the violation will be reported on your driver history record.

If you elect to attend, but fail to satisfy the requirements, the election will still count toward the five allowed.

Please allow 5-7 days for our office to receive and process your citation before attempting to make an election.


Read the Election Information contained on the insert in the envelope furnished to you by the officer at the time you were cited for the violation. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date your ticket was issued, complete the bottom portion of the insert and return the information to the Clerk's Office:

To elect by mail or in person, be sure to include your check or money order for the full civil penalty and allow sufficient time to ensure your Election Information is received in the Clerk's Office within the required thirty (30) CALENDAR days.

  • ONLINE: using a credit card to pay a Traffic Ticket click here.

After you have completed and SUBMITTED your election to the Clerk, contact a school approved by the State of Florida* to arrange a schedule for the course.


The Clerk does not provide the names of defensive driving courses.

Courses are available on-line, by video, or classes are conducted in several physical locations. The course you select after you make your election and pay the civil penalty must be approved by the State of Florida*.


You must make your election and pay the associated fines and costs to attend a driver improvement course in the county in which your ticket was issued. However, You may attend a defensive driving course, approved by the State of Florida, anywhere within the State of Florida. You MUST submit the certificate of completion of the driver improvement course to the Clerk's Office in the County where the citation was issued.

FOR EXAMPLE: If you were issued a citation (ticket) in Hillsborough County, you must make your election, pay your fines and submit your course certificate to the Hillsborough County Clerk's Office.


Upon completion of the State of Florida Approved Defensive Driving Course*, (within the sixty (60) CALENDAR days from the date you elected to attend) please:

You may also want to make a copy of your certificate for your personal records.

*Defensive Driving Courses that are approved by the State of Florida should make it known on their website or in their advertising materials. For a listing of Approved courses, click here.


  • Defensive Driving Course Information (FL DHSMV) click here
  • Check the status of your driver's license online click here
  • To elect to attend a driver improvement course approved by the State of Florida* to satisfy an eligible traffic violation and pay the required civil penalty using a credit card for a Traffic Ticket online, click here.

Court Hearings for Traffic Infractions

The Traffic Division of the County Court is set-up to hear most criminal traffic, civil traffic infractions and parking ticket cases. The following people may be present at your hearing; the officer who issued the traffic ticket, your attorney (if you have retained counsel) and any other witnesses called by the officer or any witnesses that you may wish to call to testify on your behalf. Criminal traffic cases are heard by County Judges. Most civil infractions are heard by Hearing Officers. Contested parking ticket cases are also heard by the Hearing Officers.

A CRIMINAL TRAFFIC CHARGE is a charge, such as Driving Under the Influence, which requires a court appearance as it carries with it criminal penalties which may include fines and costs, probation and/or the possibility of a jail term. Payment of the ticket cannot be automatically made to the Clerk's office. Persons charged with a criminal offense will have a court date shown on their traffic ticket and must appear in court.  See our Criminal & Juvenile page for more information about criminal traffic charges. 

A CIVIL TRAFFIC INFRACTION is a non-criminal charge that can usually be disposed of by the payment of a civil penalty or an election to attend a defensive driving course with a payment of the civil penalty. A court appearance is not required, except in cases where the violation involves an accident or property damage, speed thirty (30) miles or more over the posted speed limit or leaving a child unattended with the motor running.

Traffic hearings are held at the following locations.  Check your most recent notice of hearing or the original citation for the date, time and location:

Pinellas County Justice Center 
14250 49th St. N.
Clearwater, FL 33762

Driver License Information

Driver License Reinstatements

If your license is suspended for failure to pay a civil infraction in Pinellas County, you may pay the fine amount owed, plus the assessed delinquent fee, at any of the Clerk’s office locations. Our office may be able to assist in reinstating your license. However, certain suspensions will require you to appear at a local driver’s license office for reinstatement. A reinstatement fee will be required.

Check Your Driver License Status

The State of Florida has a site where you can find out if your license is valid by just entering your license number. If your license is not valid, a brief explanation of why and some instructions will display. Not all invalid license issues can be dealt with by the Clerk's office. Some must involve the Department of Motor Vehicles, and for others you must contact the Clerk for the county in which the violation occurred. Click here for a list of Florida Clerk's offices.

Check your license status by clicking here

Driver License Transcripts

Citizens can purchase copies of driver license transcripts through the Clerk's Office, which contain driver’s history information. Either a three or seven-year history transcript may be purchased for a fee. Driver license transcripts may be purchased at the following locations:

Pinellas County Justice Center 
14250 49th St. N.,
Clearwater, FL 33762

North County Customer Information & Service Center
29582 U.S. 19 N.,
Clearwater, FL 33761