Access to court & public records & assistance in interacting with the court.
View Records
Lawsuits, Criminal Cases, Traffic Tickets, Jury Duty, etc.
Land Records, Deeds, Mortgages, Liens, Judgments, Plats, etc.
In recent years, the Florida Legislature has limited publicly available information on all Clerk's Office websites statewide. Pursuant to Section 28.2221 of the Florida Statutes, the following documents cannot be displayed on publicly available Internet websites:
General access will no longer be offered to the Clerk's Confidential Official Records documents. To serve those entities that may require access to this information, Ken Burke, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller for Pinellas County is offering a new web subscription service. For an initial set-up fee and an annual usage fee, you will be given access to a secure, password-protected website with all the same Official Records documents that is currently available on the public terminal workstations at the Pinellas County Clerk's Office.
The cost for the service is a one-time initial set up fee of $100.00, per User ID and an annual usage fee of $75.00 per User ID, to be paid on October 1st of each year. Up to five additional users may be added per account for an annual usage fee of $300.00 per organization, with the increase in increments of five users.
If you are interested in this service please complete the "Subscription Agreement for Electronic Access to Official Records." Send in the signed agreement along with your company's check or money order for $175.00 using the methods detailed below.
STEP ONE: Complete a Subscription Agreement
A subscription agreement is required for each account prior to gaining access to electronic recorded documents. Please complete the subscription agreement including notarized signature.
Also, if you have an old login account from our previous system and would like to use the same login ID number, please write your Username at the bottom of the form.
STEP TWO: Submit your Subscription Agreement and payment via the methods below
A) Mail your subscription agreement and payment to:
Ken Burke, Clerk of Court & Comptroller Attn: Official Records Subscription Service 315 Court Street, Room #150 Clearwater, FL 33756
B) If you have existing Draw Down Account (Deposit Account) you can submit your subscription agreement to Recording Services by email at and include your existing account number. If you would like to create a Draw Down Account, please click here.
Email questions to:
Mortgage Foreclosure Sales, Tax Deed Sales, Tax Collector and Property Appraiser Records
If you are seeking copies of a record or document and it is not available free via the methods listed below, visit our copy request center for a quote of costs. We will typically provide you with either a paper or electronic copy of the document you are seeking.
Records requests made concerning the administration of non-court information should be directed to the Public Records Liaison, in accordance with County Policy.
Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Attn: Public Records Liaison 315 Court Street, Room 400 Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 464-3341 Email:
Record Search
The Public Access Records Search allows a user to search for Court case information based upon Name, Case, Attorney, or Court Calendar information.
All screens have a "Submit" button to search upon criteria and a "Reset" button to clear out previous data to conduct a new search...
Pinellas County uses Captcha for system security. This means the program can log the user out of the system periodically. To minimize these interruptions, users are encouraged to work within a single browser window (nothing open on other tabs) and to periodically clear the browser cache if log outs become too frequent.
Instructions on how to use each of the four searches is detailed below…
Case Search – Case Number only
Enter a case number or citation number in the Case Number field to search on it. Then click Search...
The case will appear on the Search Results screen and will display basic information for the case:
If a case number is entered for which the user does not have access rights to view, it will appear as CONFIDENTIAL and no link to the case will be provided.
If your Account has the rights to view the case, a hyperlink will appear for the Case #:
Click this link to review the case record. This includes information for Parties, Charge Details, Hearings, Event & Documents, Financials, and Bonds.
As with all Search results pages, in the upper left is an option to return to the Previous Page (in this case the Search results for the case number) as well as option to Refine the search. Clicking Refine will return the user to the initial search screen which retains the data that was previously searched upon.
The icons in the upper right of the screen can be used to either print or get a pdf copy of the case record.
In the Events & Documents section, you can view the case documents if your account has rights to see them. The Document Status section at the top of the screen relates to the icon in the “Doc” column – this indicates if the document is available for viewing to the general public. The icons in the upper right of the screen can be used to either print or get a pdf/excel copy of the Events & Documents information…
Not all Case Documents are tied to Events. If there are non-Event documents on the case, click Other Documents at the bottom of the Events & Documents box to view these documents…
Once done with viewing Other Documents, click Events at the top of the box to go back to the Event view…
A document can be viewed by either clicking the hyperlink in the Event column or by clicking the icon in the Doc column …
The document will open in a separate browser window…
Use the toolbar across the top of the screen for options such as printing, saving, enlarging, and rotating the document.
The Document Statuses at the top of the Events & Documents box shows the various icons that can display in the Doc column…
Documents with a Public icon are available for viewing. Documents with Confidential and Sealed statuses can be viewed only if your Account has rights to these documents. Documents that are “View On Request” (VOR) are viewable once they have been reviewed by the Clerk. A user can request a VOR document be made viewable by clicking on the VOR icon.
VOR Process
The Clerk strives to make all Court documents accessible to the public as soon as possible. There are some instances for which this process could be delayed. Reasons include:
- Older cases have yet to have their documents electronically scanned.
- Older cases may have their documents scanned, but no one has ever requested access to them.
- Recent documents have yet to be reviewed for redactable material.
- Some cases have documents where redaction cannot be done electronically due to the specific information requiring redaction.
Below is the Events & Documents screen for an older case:
The first four Event lines have an icon in the Doc column. This means the document is available in electronic form. The fifth line does not have a value in the Doc column and there is not a document available for viewing at this time. Not all Events have documents. If a document is expected and there is not an icon in the Doc icon, please contact the clerk at and request the document(s) be made available. It is possible on older cases that the documents have met the rules for destruction and may no longer be available.
A document which has been scanned but is not yet viewable will have a View On Request (VOR) icon in the Doc column…
It can be requested that VOR documents be made available online by clicking the lock…
This adds the document to a user’s cart…
Clicking on the Cart icon brings up the Request Queue Documents screen…
The documents selected will be listed in the top section. A user can fill in their email address and click Submit to have the documents made available for viewing. Most requests will be completed within a few minutes; more complex documents could take up to two days. Users should check back periodically to see if the document is now available for viewing.
Case Search – Date Range
Cases for a specific Division or Date Range can also be searched upon by a Date Range. The Date is the Date the case was initially Filed with the Clerk…
Above a Search is being done for all cases filed from 1/1/25 to 1/3/25. Click Submit to see the results.
A maximum of 500 cases will be returned. If there are more than 500 results, and the results the user was expecting do not appear, the user can click the “Refine” button to return to the previous screen to further refine their search. The information they entered on the screen previously will still be present.
All column headers on the Results page are sortable. The user also can Search on specific terms to further narrow results. The Search box works with values in any column:
Click the hyperlink for the Case# to view information on the case.
Back on the Case screen, options to further refine searches include unchecking the Closed Cases button to only return Open cases…
…as well as using the Case Category and Case Types boxes to restrict searches to specific Divisions and/or types of cases…
Click Submit to see updated results…
Name Search
A Search can be done on a specific Name for a Case on the Name tab. For a Name, Last Name and First Name are required.
Users can also use a Middle Name and Date of Birth (for Criminal/Traffic defendants) to further narrow Search results. A Driver’s License number can be entered for Traffic cases.
Searches can also be done on Business entities. Change the Name or Business drop down to Business to do this…
Large businesses will frequently return more than 500 results. Users are encouraged to use the Include Closed Cases checkbox, the Case Category, and the Date Range to further narrow results before submitting a search.
It is also possible to do a wild card search if the full name is not known. Enter at least three characters followed by an asterisk (*). Click the Check for a wildcard search box and then click Submit…
As with the Case Search, results can also be narrowed by Case Category (Court Division)…
A wildcard search could locate thousands of records to match a search which would cause a delay in the results being displayed. Users are encouraged to use the Case Category and Date Range to return narrower results before conducting a wildcard search.
Attorney Search
A Search can be done for specific attorneys on cases. The search requires either the attorney’s Last Name and First or their Bar Number. As with other tabs, using a combination of Include Closed Cases, Case Category, and Date Range can narrow results.
Attorney name search…
Bar number search…
Both searches will return the same results.
Calendar Search
A search can be done on scheduled court hearings for a case. The case must be calendared in the Pinellas Case Management system for it to display on this screen. A default Date Range from the current date to 90 days in the future is given as a default; this value can be changed by the user. Unlike the other screens where Date Range is the initial Filed date for the case, the Date on the Calendar Search represents the Date of the hearing. Users are encouraged to use the Date Range and Case Category to narrow the search so results will return more quickly.
A search can be done by Party Name, Business, Attorney, or Judicial Officer.
Party Name:
For both the Attorney and Judicial Officer, a drop-down is provided showing the attorneys and officers in the Pinellas Case Management system. This name can be used to auto-populate the field based on partial entry…
Judicial Officer:
Attorney Access
An attorney registered with their Florida Bar Number have the ability to quickly view cases they are assigned to and for which they have Hearings.
On the top menu attorneys have the option to search on their Upcoming Hearings and their Active Cases. Selecting My Upcoming Hearings…
…brings up all cases which have Upcoming Hearings…
Selecting My Active Cases...
…will bring up a list of all open cases for the attorney.
On the Attorney tab, the My Cases check box…
…will populate with the attorney’s bar number. This can be used along with the filters at the top of the screen to search on both Active and Inactive cases for a specific Date Range.
In the Cases view, an attorney of record has the ability to view Confidential documents…
These documents are not viewable to regular users or attorneys who are not directly associated with the case.
There are three types of user accounts that can be registered:
The Registered User and Attorney of Record roles can be registered on the Public Access site.
The first New Users section below is for users who are registering for Court Records access for the first time. For those who are already registered with the Legacy Public Access site, please see the Existing Users section.
On the main page, click the Register link in the top title bar.
On the Create a New Account screen above, fill out the fields. Detailed instructions on the process are displayed on the right hand side of the screen. Fields that are required are marked with asterisks. If you are a member of a government agency, you may contact your agency to determine if a gatekeeper has been established rather than register via this screen.
The email address will be what you will use to log into the updated site.
For Access Level users will choose Attorney of Record or Registered User – General Access:
Once you have filled out the form, click Submit.
A screen will appear acknowledging your registration. Click the Click here to print and save your registration agreement button to view your filled out agreement.
Save your agreement locally.
Two emails will be immediately sent to the address provided during registration:
The first, Pinellas County Court Records Inquiry:
…reviews the registration process and provides a link for the user to confirm their email address…
Users must click this link to confirm that their email address is valid. When they do they will get a confirmation screen…
The second email, Pinellas County Court Records Inquiry Registration Form copy, contains a copy of the initial registration agreement in case the original was misplaced.
Registered Users will need to sign the agreement. Attorneys of Record will need to sign their agreement and have it notarized. Once this has been done, the agreement can be emailed to
Once the Clerk has received confirmation of the email address and a copy of the registration agreement please allow up to five business days for the account to be activated. When it is activated, the user will receive the email Pinellas County Clerk of Court Case Inquiry Registration Approved. It will provide a link to the site…
On the site, users should click Log in and enter their Username and Password…
…and then click Log in to complete the sign-in process.
Users of the current Public Access site have already submitted their registration agreements. It will not be necessary to resubmit them to gain access to the updated site.
Existing Users should go directly to the Log in screen and enter their current Username and Password in Upper Case.
For most non-attorneys, their account will begin REGA.
For attorneys, many will have both a DUPA and a REGA account. Please login with your DUPA account so you will get attorney of records access. Your new account will also give you the access to the information your old REGA account provided.
This will bring up the Transfer Existing Public Records Access Account screen…
Users should review the instructions on the right hand side of the screen. The current log in account will need to be replaced with an email address and a new password will need to be created. Once this is done the user should click Submit.
The Account Confirmation screen will appear.
Users should check the email account they registered under for their Pinellas County Court Records Inquiry email.
Click the link to confirm your email address. Once this is done, please allow up to five business days for the Clerk to activate your account. Once the account is activated, you will receive an email confirming your registration with a link to the updated site.
Click the link and sign in on the Log-in page to start accessing the site.
Password change:
Any time after a user logs in for the first time, they can change their password under My Account…
At the bottom of the screen, simply type in your current password, your new password, confirm your new password, and then click Change Password.
Various offices throughout Pinellas County are equipped with public view terminals to provide convenient access to online and other records. While many records are electronic, others, particularly older records, may only be available in paper or microfilm format. Please be sure you are going to a location capable of providing access to the records you seek before visiting.
The Pinellas County Clerk's office can perform record searches for cases filed in Pinellas County only. The charge to perform a record search is $7.00 per name, plus $2.00 for each year where an offense is found. If you require copies of documents from the files, standard copy prices will apply.
Please note, we do not perform the following:
Visit our Public Request Center to request a Record Search.
In order to be able to submit a request, we will need the following information:
You will be contacted by email with the dollar amount to process the request. You may also request a Record Search in person at any of our locations:
Criminal Court Records Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th Street North Clearwater, FL 33762 North County Branch 29582 U.S. 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761 Probate Court Records Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 106 Clearwater, FL 33756 St. Petersburg Branch 545 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Criminal Court Records Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th Street North Clearwater, FL 33762
North County Branch 29582 U.S. 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761
Probate Court Records Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 106 Clearwater, FL 33756
St. Petersburg Branch 545 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Record searches that include Juvenile cases must be made by the defendant in person with valid identification. Juvenile requests must be handled at the Pinellas County Justice Center on 49th Street. Please contact our office at (727) 464-7000 if you need any additional information or have questions regarding this process.
Public View Terminals are available at the following locations throughout the county.
Recording Services Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 150 Clearwater, FL 33756 Civil Court Records Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 114 Clearwater, FL 33756 Probate Court Records Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 106 Clearwater, FL 33756 North County Branch 29582 U.S. 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761 Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th Street North, Second Floor Clearwater, FL 33762 St. Petersburg Branch 545 1st Avenue North, Room 153 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Recording Services Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 150 Clearwater, FL 33756
Civil Court Records Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street, Room 114 Clearwater, FL 33756
Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th Street North, Second Floor Clearwater, FL 33762
St. Petersburg Branch 545 1st Avenue North, Room 153 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
For microfilm of Civil and Family cases, please call (727) 464-3904 or email so that we may pull the microfilm files for your review and shorten your wait time. For assistance, visit 315 Court Street Room 170, Clearwater, FL 33756.
Many older or confidential court records may be viewed by visiting our record center. Please call (727) 464-7000 to ensure records are available.
Your Clerk of the Circuit Court is authorized to "redact" (black out or conceal) specific information from an Official Record or a court file upon request. There is no fee for this service.
Information that may be redacted (removed from official & court records):
If your Redaction Request does not have the correct information, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR REQUEST!
In order to determine eligibility to have your cases sealed or expunged, you will first need to obtain an application to seal or expunge your case records by visiting the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) website.
The purpose of this application process is to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility prior to petitioning the court.
The packet consists of the application and fingerprint card. You must be fingerprinted by authorized law enforcement personnel or a criminal justice agency.
You will also need a certified copy of the final disposition of your case. You can obtain certified copies of the final disposition on the case(s) from the Clerk's office.
The copies of the dispositions are $1.00 per page and $2.00 per certification. You may contact the Clerk's office at (727) 464-7000 or via email at for further information on how to obtain copies.
Once you have completed the application and fingerprint card, and obtained certified copies of your dispositions, all of these items, plus a cashier's check or money order for $75.00 made payable to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, must be mailed to the address listed on the application.
If you are eligible to have your case sealed or expunged, the FDLE will mail a Certificate of Eligibility to you.
You will need to bring this certificate to the Clerk's office located at:
Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th Street North, 2nd Floor Clearwater, FL 33762
At the Clerk's office, you will complete additional paperwork that must be filled out for the Judge that will be reviewing your case. This paperwork includes the petition, affidavit and an order to seal or expunge, all of which can be found on our Forms page (under Criminal Court) and must be filed with the court.
The filing fee is $42 plus copy and certification fees. The total fee is approximately $50 to $60. This case will not be sealed/expunged until service charges and copy costs have been paid.
Upon the filing of the Order granting the petition to seal or expunge the case record and file, the Clerk will remove all information from your judicial record and forward certified copies of the order to the appropriate agencies.
To request a quote, click here. Please allow 2 business days for an email response.
Redaction of recorded documents within the Official Records can be requested online for Social Security, Bank Account, Credit, Debit or Charge Card numbers. Select the following link to submit your request online: Official Records/Recorded Documents Redaction Request Form.
To request Official Records redaction of Florida Statute Exempt Personal Information, please download, complete and submit the Request to Redact Personal Information Form. The form can be submitted to the Official Records Department in person, via mail or fax.
Select only the Exemption Information categories that apply to you, enter your contact information and identify the documents to receive redaction. Submit the completed form to Official Records via mail or in person.
Please note:
Official Records Department 315 Court Street, Room 163 Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 464-7000 Fax: (727) 453-3451 Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
For the removal of confidential information contained within a COURT CASE FILE (Civil, Criminal, Traffic, and Probate case files), please click on this link: Court Case File Redaction Request Form to submit your request online.
PLEASE NOTE: JUVENILE COURT RECORDS ARE NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ONLINE. Therefore, you are unable to search for required information online. Please call Court Records at (727) 464-7000 for more information.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the following personnel and their spouses and children may request protected address status. “The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security, numbers and photographs of active or specified agency, law enforcement, judiciary personnel, firefighters, etc. ….”
(See Section 119.071(4)(d) 2a-l, Florida Statutes for a complete list of information/agency personnel.)
For Administrative Records and other records, enter your information in the Request to Redact Personal Information Form, print it then submit it by fax, mail or bring it directly to any of the Clerk's office locations.
Please note the form must be complete in order to process your request promptly.
The Clerk shall maintain the exempt status of this information only if the officer, employee, justice, judge, other person, or employing agency of the designated employee submits a written request for maintenance of the exemption.
Per Rule of Judicial Administration 2.420, Court Records require the request be submitted as a motion to the Court.
Supreme Court of Florida - No. SC06-2136
Posting Notice of Entry of Order Authorizing Sealing
Upon the filing of any court order authorizing the sealing of any court record, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pasco County or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pinellas County, as appropriate, is hereby authorized and directed to seal the designated records immediately. They are further directed to post a copy of the "Notice of Entry of Order Authorizing Sealing" on the bulletin board of the court facility where the order was issued and on the Clerk's website for a period of thirty (30) days. Click here to view the Order on Review of Court Files.
Case Number: 24-4465-CI
Case Number: 24-2918-CI
Case Number: 23-0085-CI
Case Number: 21-5342-ES
Case Number: 21-5301-GD
Case Number: 21-3135-GD
Case Number: 21-3485-CI
Case Number: 24-0096-ES
Case Number: 22-0057-ES
Mission Statement
The Clerk's Records Management department is responsible for maintaining public records, regardless of format, from creation through final disposition.
The Public Records Laws of the State of Florida require all public agencies/officials to establish and maintain a Records Management program. This means that all public records must be retained and protected until they have satisfied the retention requirements established by the State Bureau of Archives and Records Management and have been properly disposed of. Schedules are developed authorizing retention periods and disposition of all records regardless of media or format.
Clerk's Records Management acts as an off site storage facility for Clerk departments and agencies under the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Records requests must be generated by the originating department. Requested items are delivered to the owning department.
Files Analysis and Improvement Records Management offers files analysis and improvement services. Records Management is available to visit your office in order to discuss your filing and storage requirements, and to work with staff members in developing filing systems that are tailored to departmental needs.
Storage Records Management maintains a storage facility in downtown Clearwater. Participating departments should transfer inactive records to the Clerk's Records Center for storage at least annually. "Inactive" records are not needed in the office for reference purposes, but have not yet satisfied their state retention requirements. Generally, records are considered "inactive" if they are accessed less than three (3) times per month.
Retrieval and Delivery Records Management provides delivery and retrieval services. If a retrieval request is received before 8:30 a.m., your records will be delivered to your office the same day. Retrieval requests received after 8:30 a.m. will be delivered the following day.
Destruction of Records Records Management is available to meet with departments to review document retention requirements and ensure Pinellas County complies with the State of Florida General Retention Schedules and Rules of Judicial Administration. Clerk's Records Management provides regularly scheduled disposition services for records that have satisfied their State retention requirements.
Imaging Records Management provides document imaging services for the Clerk of Court and participating BCC departments.
Retention Schedule
If you have questions, please call (727) 464-7000.
E-Notify is a free way to get reminders about court events through texts or emails. E-Notify helps anyone who registers with their name, phone number, email address, and criminal case information at
Be sure to have your case number ready! If you are not sure of your Pinellas County case number, feel free to look it up using our Court Records website. Signing up for E-Notify does not constitute electronic service under Florida statutes and rules. By signing up for E-notify, you are consenting to receive email and text reminders about court events, but not documents. Non-represented parties must still designate an email address to receive service of documents under Supreme Court rule. Visit our Forms page to access the appropriate forms for electronic service.
Court Records View is a free online service provided by the Pinellas County Clerk that allows the public to view many court case information and documents. Not all documents are available, such as documents on cases with special victims, or Juvenile Delinquency or Dependency type cases. The level of security is determined by Florida Law.
Official Records and Other Records View allows the user to view documents recorded into the Official Records of the county. Examples of these types of documents are Deeds, Mortgages, Marriage Licenses, Affidavits, Power of Attorney, etc.
That depends on what you want to see. Court Records Public View allows you to anonymously view court documents and information in Criminal, Civil and Traffic court cases. However, this does not allow you to view Family and Probate type cases. In order to do that, you need to register for an account with the Clerk and use the Court Records Registered User Login. Attorney Login is for attorneys who have an account and want to see case documents for cases on which they are an attorney of record.
Fill out and sign the Registered User Agreement. Once that is done, e-mail a copy of the signed and notarized document to You will then receive an email with your new account. For more detailed information, refer to the View Court Records section.
This could be due to various reasons. For instance, the case may date back to the time before the Clerk began scanning documents. Please note these documents are accessible to the public at any of our convenient locations throughout Pinellas County. Another example could be that the document contains sensitive information and has not yet been redacted. These documents will become available online as they are processed by our staff.
Attorney accounts only allow you to see documents on cases for which you are an attorney of record. If you would like to see redacted documents from different cases, please use the Public or Registered User options.
Military Discharge, Death Certificate and court documents relating to matters or cases governed by the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, and Florida Probate Rules are only available online with a Subscriber Account to Official and Other Records. These documents are accessible to the public at any of our convenient locations throughout Pinellas County.
You need to complete the appropriate Subscription Agreement, and submit your payment and the agreement to: Ken Burke, Clerk of Court & Comptroller Attn: Official Records Subscription Service 315 Court Street Room #150 Clearwater, FL 33756 For more detailed information, refer to the Official Records Access section.
You need to complete the appropriate Subscription Agreement, and submit your payment and the agreement to:
Ken Burke, Clerk of Court & Comptroller Attn: Official Records Subscription Service 315 Court Street Room #150 Clearwater, FL 33756
For more detailed information, refer to the Official Records Access section.