Recording Fee Calculators


Please make all checks payable to Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Our mailing address is:

Ken Burke, Clerk of Courts
315 Court St, Rm. 150
Clearwater, FL 33756

Select the type of document you wish to record below.

(Do NOT use commas when entering amounts into the calculator)

Deed Fee Calculator


Recording Fee:

Documentary Stamps:

Total Fees:

Mortgage Fee Calculator


Recording Fee:

Documentary Stamps:

Intangible Tax:

Total Fees:

Lis Pendens Fee Calculator


Total Fees:

Notice Fee Calculator


Recording Fee:

Additional Names Fee:

Official Records Copies:


Processing Fee:

Certified Mail Fee:

Search Fee:

Total Fees:

Other Fee Calculator


Total Fees:

The Clerk neither expresses nor implies warrant that the information or data accessed by the customer is accurate or correct. The Clerk shall not be liable for any loss, cost, damage, or expense arising directly or indirectly in connection with this access. In no event shall the Clerk be liable for any special or consequential damages or for any indirect damages resulting from the Customer's use or application of the information accessed as a result of using this website.